Yin Yoga Training 100 Hour
Pranayama, Meditation & Mindfulness

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(5 Available)

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WEEK 1: Foundation of Yin Yoga
Meditation Audio Class
Yin Yoga Audio Class
Introduction to Yin Yoga
Yin-Yang Energy
Yin Principles, practice & propping
Art of Asana
Teaching and practising: with the lens of Yin

WEEK 2: Developing awareness
Meditation Audio Class
Yin Yoga Audio Class
Week 1 Review
Yin Yoga as a tool for awareness cultivation
Documentary about Awareness and consciousness
Teaching and practising: with awareness

WEEK 3: Foundation of Pranayama
Pranayama Class
Yin Yoga Audio Class
Week 2 review
Theory of Pranayama
Types of Pranayama
How to teach Pranayama
Teaching and practising: Yin yoga with pranayama

WEEK 4: The Power Of Breath
Pranayama Class
Yin Yoga Audio Class
Week 3 Review
Anatomy of breathing
Yogic perspective on breath
Integration of pranayama and Yin practice
Teaching and practising: being guided by the breath

WEEK 5: Foundations of Meditation
Meditation Audio Class
Yin Yoga Audio Class
Week 4 Review
Theory of Meditation
Types of Meditation
How to teach Meditation
Teaching and practising: with a meditative mind

WEEK 6: The Power of Meditation
Meditation Audio Class
Yin Yoga Audio Class
Week 5 Review
Meditation and Brain Waves
Recommended Meditation videos
Integration of meditation and Yin practice
Teaching and practising: with a sharp and attentive mind

WEEK 7: Developing Mindfulness
Pranayama Class
Yin Yoga Audio Class
Week 6 Review
Mindfulness Theory
Principles and pillars of Mindfulness
How to teach Mindfulness
Teaching and practising: Yin yoga as a mindful experience
Specialist Guest Interview – Positive Psychology, Mindfulness & The Breath
Soul Work

WEEK 8: Science of Body – Mind Connect
Pranayama Class
Yin Yoga Audio Class
Week 7 Review
Science of body-mind connect
Teaching and practising: Focusing on the body-mind connection
Soul Work

WEEK 9: Expanding Yin
Pranayama Class
Yin Yoga Audio Class
Week 8 Review
Yin Yoga beyond the asana – Integrating Yin into life
How to reach all audiences
Teaching and practising: Yin outside the mat
Soul Work

WEEK 10: You Holistic Teaching and Practice
Meditation Class
Yin Yoga Audio Class
Review of week 1-9
Your breath, your mind, your own Yin yoga approach
Peaceful power of planning and vision
Soul Work

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