How To Teach Yin Intelligently & Into The 5 Dimensions 
Black Friday Bundle 

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  Physical Dimension

Intro module to teaching yin in the physical dimensions to help you understand what needs to be implemented and why, to keep your students safe.

 Energetic Dimension

Intro module to teaching Yin in the energetic dimensions to help you take your Yin teaching experience beyond the asana and off the mat.

  Mental Dimension

Intro module into how to teach Yin from the mental approach, incorporating principles of neuroplasticity and neurobiology so that you can understand how to teach people safely in a more suggestable and hypnotic state that Yin puts them in 

 Emotional Dimension

Intro module into how to teach Yin from the emotional space and harness the emotional intelligence that Yin requires to tap into the deeply healing aspect of the practice, as a responsible teacher. 

 Creating a Transformational Offer

How & why to create a transformational offer so that you can transition into full time teaching with confidence and pride, knowing exactly how you are going to make cash, empower people and do what you love. 

Black Friday Training Bundle 

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