Yin, Pranayama, Meditation, Mindfulness & Yoga Nidra 180 hrs Training
Limited Training
Only 5 Available Until 16th November
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Standard investment: £2150 ($2,800 USD)

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How Will You Develop? 

Yin & Pranayama 50 Hr

By integrating Pranayama into your Yin teaching, and practice,  you'll be able to tap into the tap into the infinite power of the breath, with different techniques and methods that move, influence and heal through Prana - the vital life force.

Neuroplasticity & Mindfulness 50 Hr

By learning how the brain works, and moves through frequencies within the Yin practice, both scientifically & spiritually, you will be able to help your students learn how to use the power of the brain for positive change.   

By integrating the subtle art of mindfulness into the Yin practice, you will be equipped to help your students tap into more meditative aspects, where holistic healing truly resides. 

Yin & Yoga Nidra 80 Hr

By learning the importance of consciousness within the mind and the Yin space, you will be able to harness the deeply meditative and restorative space in between awake and asleep through your self-practice and Yin teaching that offers relaxation, self-inquiry and a sense of harmonious concentration.  

Art of Confident Teaching & Safe Facilitation

Learn how to modify and adapt the practice based on your students individual needs, with intelligent propping,  sequencing and cueing, you will be able to curate a safe environment for your students to trust and let go. 

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Limited Time Training
Yin, Pranayama, Meditation, Mindfulness & Yoga Nidra 180 hrs Training
5 Available Until 16th November

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